After 16 months of staying close to home because of covid, we felt confident to resume our global travels in early March as we jetted off to Europe. After only 3 months away we had no choice but to head back home once again in early June.
Looking back over the past 4.5 years of home-free living I am shocked to realize we have spent the last 4 summers in our hometown of Calgary. None of these returns was planned! In 2019 we returned due to the imminent passing of a family member, in 2020 we returned due to covid, in 2021 we were still here due to covid and now in 2022, we are back because of a medical situation. I am beginning to wonder if there is a conspiracy that keeps us returning home year after year despite our desire to be global nomads 🤔
In the big picture, we are grateful to have a safe and familiar place to land when things go wrong. Having the support of family and friends makes everything easier to deal with. In a nutshell, I developed some neurological issues while in Italy which progressed rapidly over 4 weeks making it difficult to walk. Consulting with my family Dr he advised we get home ASAP to find out what is wrong. 12 hours after we landed I was admitted to the hospital where I spent 6 days undergoing a variety of tests. All of which produced no answers. With no further testing planned until September I have been sent home to “wait and see if you get better” Not really what we had hoped for but I understand that the doctors have no idea what the cause is, neurological problems are difficult to diagnose.
So for the foreseeable future, or at least until it starts to get cold, we will be hanging our hats once again in our hometown. With my decreased mobility, I doubt we will be getting up to very much that is worth blogging about so things may be quiet for a while on our website. We have a lot of ideas about where to spend the winter and will be busy making plans as soon as we feel confident to travel again. Until then we will enjoy another summer in Calgary and the nearby Rocky Mountains 🍁🌞
Susan I am sorry you are having these issues. Yes it is hard for these neurologists to figure out what’s going on. I have been going through that myself. We will have to get together and catch up.
Thanks Deb! We are in Calgary until October 31, hope we can get together before then.
So so sorry to hear this news. Hopefully the doctors will find the problem.
I to got very very sick and now I’m left with a health problem for life.
We have had to buy a house and only travel for a few months at a time. But a home base in Canada again was necessary.
That many be an option for you. It takes some adjustment but doable.
Thanks Jody! Sorry to hear about your health problems but happy that you can still travel, even for a few months at a time. We will deal with whatever our situation ends up being, just as you have. As you said, anything is doable 😊 Take good care!!
So sad to hear you’re sidelined. Hopefully it’s only for a short time and you’ll soon be backing doing what you love and sharing it with all of us.
Thanks Rose! Yes, fingers crossed we can get back traveling very soon. Enjoy your travels 😊
Well u know u have a bedroom/ home here with us! Winters can be nice here💕 hope u are feeling better already! Miss and love you! 💕💕🙏
Thanks Barb, we are thinking that we might end up in Florida this winter after all and would love to stay with you. Hope to see you soon and miss you too 💕
Susan sending prayers that you will have your health restored and you and Blair will be back on the road soon!
Thanks for your kind thoughts Debi. Fingers crossed we will be back traveling soon. I hope all is well with you in Hawaii 😊
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now. Sure hope you have restored health soon and can get back on the road – and posting . 🙂 All the best!
Thanks so much for the kind words Margaret. Yes, fingers crossed we get some answers soon and can resume our travels. Take good care 😊
Thank you for posting this. Please take good care. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks Julia! Hopefully we will be back traveling very soon. I hope you are both well 😊