We are enjoying our time in Florida, particularly re-connecting with long time friends from Cayman who left a number of years ago. We are spending a lot of time with friends of 15 years, Gary & Barb, and this past Monday enjoyed a lovely lunch in Fort Myers with Ken & Glenny who left Cayman 7 years ago…..where did the time go!!!
Prior to spending time here we wondered what the attraction was for all the snowbirds….well, we now understand. Life here is pretty sweet for anyone living with winter weather. Moderate temperatures, an abundance of activities and a lot of like minded folks to spend time with……we get it!!!

One benefit of where we are staying is the abundance of waterways and canals. We love any type of water and having the opportunity to take a boat and go on a day trip along the many waterways is truly enjoyable.

We have enjoyed a few evenings at Gary & Barb’s house with magnificent sunsets looking West down the canal from their house, and have spotted the occasional wild boar and alligator. Today we went on a road trip, something we have missed living in Cayman. We looked up on Trip Advisor the top 10 things to do in Punta Gorda which is just North of us and off we headed.

Our first stop was the Alligator Creek Preserve…..looking for an alligator. Well, we found one!! He was across the pond from us so in an effort to get better photos I suggested we walk around the pond and get closer. Blair’s response was…..I thought I would have to bury you at sea, not an alligator pond!!!!!! Ha, Ha……..as soon as we got close this guy slipped into the water never to be seen again. Probably for the best 🙂

From there we went to Fishermans Wharf in Punta Gorda, a long pier lined with numerous tourist shops and restaurants. With it being lunchtime, we enjoyed a lovely meal overlooking the water.

After lunch we walked along the shoreline through a number of public parks with pickleball and tennis courts available for anyone to play on, all at no charge.

After our enjoyable road trip, we arrived back at our condo in time to join the 4pm Pickleball games at Burnt Store Marina. Life is good in Florida!!!! We hope life is good wherever you are…….