These four words seem to be the theme of our last few weeks in Grand Cayman. Each time we do something we comment this is “for the last time”

We went for our last scuba dive this past Saturday; our last Christmas morning bike ride followed by champagne brunch at Blue Cilantro with Bill & Annie; our last Dashing Thru the Sand run on Boxing Day followed by an island tour to Rum Point with lunch at Kaibo Yacht Club.
These events combined with seeing various friends one last time all contribute to some level of sadness that we are leaving, making it challenging to look forward with anticipation.

But look forward we will. Once we are on the plane there will be no more last times and we truly can focus on the excitement of our future travels. We have many activities planned for our 2 months in Florida and a number of friends to visit. The lovely condo we have rented in Burnt Store Marina will give us a perfect base from which to explore Florida’s West coast.
A friend commented this past week that Florida would be an “easy landing” to begin life as home free nomads. It is a familiar place with friends to connect with, making it a stress free place to start. Makes sense to me 🙂