Several years ago we became online friends with fellow nomads David and Di, and in the fall of 2018, we were all in the UK at the same time and arranged to meet in person. We became fast friends and promised to meet again Read more
A Home Free Global Life
Several years ago we became online friends with fellow nomads David and Di, and in the fall of 2018, we were all in the UK at the same time and arranged to meet in person. We became fast friends and promised to meet again Read more
Sydney, Australia was the culmination of our 31 day cruise crossing the Pacific, all the way from Vancouver, Canada. It was fun to get up and see the city lights and the familiar outline of the magnificent Sydney Opera House as we cruised into port at 5:30am. Well…it turns out that it was 4:30am because I forgot to turn my clock back the night before 🤔 Read more
Cruising is not a regular way of travel for us, in fact this is only our second cruise and our first one was also a one way journey. That first cruise in late 2018 was 15 days long and took us from Rome, Italy to Abu Dhabi, UAE Read more
After Paris we stopped in Calgary for a very quick visit, in fact we were here less than a month. It was such a busy few weeks consumed with follow-up testing for me, doctors visits and dental visits for both of us Read more
What can I say about Paris 💕 It’s one of my favorite cities in the world and we have been here a few times. This particular visit was to celebrate my 65th birthday…one year late but very happy to be here. Read more
We spent 2 1/2 months in Ireland circumnavigating the entire island and doing our best to see as much as we could, yet not run ourselves ragged. Some of our locations had a lot to see and others were very quiet rural locations Read more
We left Dublin after a whirlwind visit and carried on south to the final stop of our Ireland travels. We are on a farm 10 km south of New Ross (Ros Mhic Thriúin) in County Wexford. Read more
In between our weekend in Belfast and two nights in Dublin we spent a week in the countryside near Ardcath. There was not much to see around Ardcath, plus we felt the need for a break from touring castles, churches and ruins, so we had a very laid back and quiet week. Read more