We left Calgary for the sunny Caribbean back in the summer of 2002, so our last “White Christmas” was 19 years ago 😲 This year, courtesy of the COVID pandemic, we are back “home” for the winter. Being stuck here during the Canadian winter is offset by an amazing summer in Calgary and being close to family and friends. As all nomads know, it can sometimes get pretty lonely on the road when you only have each other to talk to.
Moving to a new place in early November, we have enjoyed the past couple of months in this very comfortable home. The homeowner, and new friend, was temporarily relocated to Vancouver so this is not your typical rental. The kitchen is fully kitted with all the gadgets and equipment one needs to cook up a storm…and cook up a storm we did!! Cookies, pumpkin loaves, focaccia bread, French shortbread, scones, big batch lasagna, stews and casseroles galore, the list goes on 😊
We also have a large dining room table with seating for 8 which inspired us to host a family Christmas dinner. Blair’s immediate family amounts to just 7 of us, fitting within the limits for social gatherings…when we made these plans. Fast forward to late November and Calgary was under another partial lockdown, one restriction being no persons were allowed in your house who do not live there 😥 Then on December 8 the lockdowns were increased which in effect shut down all social interaction. No indoor or outdoor gatherings, no indoor exercise meaning our gym was now closed, all bars and restaurants closed for indoor service and the list goes on. This lockdown is in place until January 12 and wiped out any plans we had to see family or friends over the holidays.
Interestingly one event we were able to attend with a group of friends was Zoolights. Two million twinkling lights including over 200 light figurines were set up throughout the grounds of the zoo. Timed entry, mask-wearing and additional COVID rules were in place making it a safe event to attend and find some of that Christmas spirit that we have been lacking so far.
Despite the lockdown, we are allowed to have a small Christmas dinner with just Blair’s Mom. At 90 years old, and the fact we have been gone for 19 years, it’s important to her to have a Christmas dinner with us. She lives alone in her own home so our priority is that she not be isolated during the holidays. Gathering the family together was no longer an option so each of the sons will spend a low-key and socially distant meal with Mom. I think she is making out the best with 3 Christmas dinners!! Many of us have the luxury of saying “well, there is always next year” but at 90 years old there is no guarantee so hence the decision to make sure Mom is safely looked after during the holidays 😊
During the partial lockdown in late November, we got busy researching where we could go, yet remain in Canada. We want to escape the very cold weather we know will be coming to Calgary in the New Year. Earlier we rented a house for January and February, close to my sister, in the town of Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. Now we have finalized our plans regarding where to go from there. After Qualicum, we will move south down the island to Victoria for the month of March…Butchart Gardens here we come! The spring flowers should be blooming by then 🌷🌼 After Victoria, we’ll travel to mainland BC where we’ve rented a condo overlooking the lake in Osoyoos for the month of April. Osoyoos is located close to the USA border in Canada’s only desert climate and surrounded by vineyards. I see a lot of wine tastings in our future 🍷🍷 Fingers crossed these four months will find us reasonably warm and without snow!!
So, after 7 months in Calgary, we will soon be hittin the road!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Wishing with all my ❤ that 2021 is a better year for all of us…
My brother loves living on Vancouver Island, particularly after enduring many, many cold winters in Montreal and other areas in eastern Canada. We are still able to mix freely here in Cayman thanks to there being no covid in the community. All positive cases are arriving travellers in quarantine. Lovely breezy and cool (for us) weather now so we have a lot to be thankful for ………. but longing to be able to make travel plans again.
I am so glad to hear that Cayman remains covid free in the community and you are able to see your friends. We are really looking forward to spending a few months on Vancouver Island, having milder weather than Calgary and a few less restrictions. Take care Sandra 😊
Merry Christmas Blair & Susan!
Jim & I will be on our own for Christmas. We have ordered dinner from the Delta Hotel and will pick it up at our allotted time. I am not looking forward to a winter in Calgary. Like you it’s been 15 years since we were here for winter. We are missing Phoenix. The snow is very pretty right now. Ask me again in a couple months. Your plans sound like the very best way to avoid winter. Enjoy and keep up the beautiful pictures. Jim & Deb
Thanks Deb, I hope you guys have a good Christmas. Stay warm and safe during the winter, spring will be here before we know it. Take good care 💕
Sounds like a plan complete with new views and thrilled for you! Happy Happy Holly Jolly and to 2021…. a year with big FUN❣️
Thanks Leah. It’s fun to actually have plans to see new places. Take good care, Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year 🙂
Like you, we are “locked down” in the entire province of Ontario, but only beginning on December 26th through January 10th, so we will be able to have a very small family (7) dinner on Christmas Day. I envy you beautiful Vancouver Island (One of our very favourite places!) for the winter, but look forward to your next blog and pictures. Happy 2021!!
Thanks Rose, enjoy your Christmas celebrations and we hope you continue to stay well. Here’s hoping 2021 is a better year for everyone and we nomads can resume our travels. For the next few months, we are excited to explore Vancouver Island. It is beautiful out there 🙂