Meeting New Friends

A few months ago we realized that a couple of fellow nomadic travelers, who we have become internet friends with, would be stopping by Grand Cayman on a cruise as they headed to Chile.  Eagerly we made plans to meet in person and yesterday was the day.  Jess and Tom arrived in Grand Cayman where we picked them up at the cruise ship terminal and drove to the Yacht Club for lunch at Morgan’s Restaurant.  The time flew by as we exchanged stories and they asked about our upcoming travel plans.  Jess and Tom have been full time nomads for the past 5 years and their blog has been a wonderful source of information as we were planning to become home free.

You can read their blog post and “interview” with us at the link below:


Jess and Tom enjoying lunch at Morgan’s


Home Free

After 5 years of dreaming and wishing for this day, we have sold our home on Grand Cayman and are ready to begin our nomadic life.  December 31st we fly to Florida for 2 months.  It will be a good place to start our travels…..warm weather and good friends to catch up with.  It will also give us time to adjust to  living out of a suitcase and being without the comforts of our own home.  After Florida it will be off to Calgary, Alberta for 3 months.  Another familiar place to spend time with family and friends before heading to new and unknown countries.  We leave Cayman with excitement for the adventures ahead and sadness leaving such a beautiful island and the friends we have made here.


Looking Ahead

I recently found the above picture and it resonated with me how accurately it reflects how we feel.  So, after 15 years of living on a Caribbean island it is time for a change, for a new adventure, to put home behind us.  And while it is never easy to let go and move on, we are up for the challenge once again and hope you join us in our travels.  Whether in person or from the comfort of your home, we will love having you along for the ride.