After Paris we stopped in Calgary for a very quick visit, in fact we were here less than a month. It was such a busy few weeks consumed with follow-up testing for me, doctors visits and dental visits for both of us that we did not do anything of interest. What we did come away with is a clean bill of health, and that’s a nice reassurance before leaving again. Aside from medical stuff we spent time with family, had dinners with friends, squeezed in a few golf games and sorted out clothes for our upcoming travels.
We are headed south to much warmer climates than Ireland so we are leaving behind sweaters and jackets and packing lighter weight clothing and swimwear. Hopefully we will spend some time at the beach which has been sorely lacking in our travels the last few years, this will make Blair a happy traveler!
Since I have absolutely no news from our month in Calgary, here are a couple of photos I took while golfing:

Next up is a 31 day cruise on the Majestic Princess leaving Vancouver with our final destination Sydney, Australia. See you on the other side of the world…..