And we’re off……we have spent the past 3 months in Calgary and it is with anticipation, and some trepidation of the unknown, we begin our travels to unfamiliar places. It has been an easy start to our home-free life spending 2 months in Florida Read more
On The Move

This past month was another quiet one for us as the weather in Calgary continued to be unseasonable with more snow and low temperatures, not conducive to getting out seeing the city and taking photographs. Although, it has given us the chance to spend a lot of time with family and friends. Read more
Quiet Times in Calgary

We have been in Calgary for a month now and life has been very low key with consequently not much to write about. It has been cold with above average snowfall since we arrived in late February, a friend suggested it was our punishment for living on a Caribbean Island for the last 15 years 🙂 Read more