The summer heat has left us and along with the leaves the temperature has started to fall. We have had a fabulous summer and fall in Calgary with very little smoke this year from forest fires and consistently above average temperatures. Despite my ongoing health issues I played quite a few rounds of golf, albeit on our local 9 hole courses and driving an electric cart, but hey I was happy to be outside and swinging a golf club!!
When we unexpectedly returned to Calgary in early June we were fortunate to stay with our dear friend Terrie…for almost 3 months!! She is a doctor and to have her observe my symptoms every day was an unbelievable benefit, especially with her daily positivity and ongoing research on my behalf. I am not sure we would have dealt with the situation as well without her unfailing support. But, all good things must end and eventually it was time for us to find own place. We moved 5 minutes away to the main floor of a house, and just 2 doors down from another friend of almost 40 years, who also owns the gorgeous house in Canmore that we have been able to use. Our new residence is in a lovely mature neighborhood with large trees everywhere and a beautiful back garden filled with flowers…and bunny rabbits! We enjoyed regular visits from the bunnies and the entertaining antics of our resident ground squirrel who was very busy tossing pine cones from the backyard tree onto the wooden deck. Well, that makes quite a racket!!!

In September we enjoyed another mid week getaway to Canmore. This time, the summer crowds have gone home so everywhere was just a little bit quieter and the leaves are beginning to turn as the fall colors spread through the valleys. It was fabulous to take in the scenery at Lake Louise and Moraine Lake. No matter how many times we visit, the views never fail to remind us how lucky we were to grow up nearby.
While our return to Calgary in June was precipitated by my health issues, there never fails to be another project landing in our laps anytime we are here. This year it was time for Blair’s 92 year old Mother to move into an independent living apartment. Moving her out of the family home where Blair grew up and she has lived for 67 years was no small undertaking. We have moved countries twice and it was not easy so we could only imagine how emotional it was for her to leave the house she lived in for most of her life. The family rallied round and everything went better than we had hoped, she loves her new apartment surrounded by some new furniture and a few of her favorite things. Fortuitously, Blair was put in touch with a lady who represents a number of charities and she was able to take most of the furniture and items left in the house. Once the final clean up has been finished the house will be sold with the whole process going slick as you please. In no small part due to the countless hours Blair has spent helping his Mom, emptying and showing the house to prospective buyers 😁
We golfed well into October and it’s been a beautiful sight to watch the trees lining the fairways turning color. The golf course staff do a fabulous job of blowing all the leaves off the fairway, but you are in deep trouble if your ball goes anywhere else 🤣🍂🍂
As we near the end of October it’s time to pack up the car and head west. We are off to Vancouver Island to visit my sister and a few other friends for the month of November. The pictures below give you a good indication why it’s time to leave Calgary…

Looks like a good move going west for awhile! Hang in there Susan and I do so hope the medics come up with something soon. xx
Thanks Sandra! The list gets longer of what is not wrong with me so we continue the search 🙂 I hope you are well xxx